Tom Wolfe: Hot Button Interview Tactics -- Self Awareness, Good Questions, Company Knowledge, Discussing Weaknesses, & More

Looking for some great interviewing tips?

Courtesy of Matt Helbig

Tom Wolfe is an author, columnist, career coach, veteran, and an expert in the field of military-to-civilian career transition. During his career he assisted thousands of service members in their searches for employment, placing more than 3000 in their new jobs. In this interview, I get to ask him directly what veterans should be thinking about when they prepare to answer interview questions when trying to snag a job. We talk about preparing for the interview, developing empathy with the interviewer, asking the right and wrong questions, and hitting all the key items on the interviewer's checklist.

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Insights From The Interview

  • To quickly get up to speed on a topic and the "industry lingo", check out podcasts on that field. 
  • You have to be able to self promote while walking that fine line between self confidence and arrogance. 
  • Self knowledge is critical. You're going to have to connect the job description to your experience, skills, and interests.
  • The power of the questions in an interview to demonstrate interest. 
  • Mistakes you can make when asking questions (they're too self interested or inappropriately timed) 
  • Interviewing empathy -- the ability to understand what's important to the interviewer and the company s/he represents.
  • Get the interviewer to envision you in the job, happy, interested, and doing well. Hit all the marks to succeed. 
  • Being able to discuss weaknesses can be a strength -- show self confidence, self awareness, and self development.
  • Pre-empt possible reasons that you may be rejected from a job and face it head on. 


Courtesy of Tom Wolfe

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