How Larry Broughton Found His Calling And Is Helping Other Military Veterans Do The Same

Larry is a CEO, Author, speaker, and former Army Green Beret. As the CEO of Broughton Hotels and Broughton Advisory, Larry has been awarded Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year award. He’s been featured on CNBC, CNN and MSNBC and is a regular contributor to US Veterans magazine. In this episode, we chat about his lessons learned from his first job after the military and how he turned a job to support his education into his first business venture.
- Check out Larry's mentorship program over at Yoogozi.
- Take a look at what he's doing at Broughton Hotels and
- You can find Larry's book, called Flashpoints For Achievers, on Amazon.
- Reach out to Larry on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Insights From The Interview
- How showing up like it matters led to his first promotion.
- Why active disengagement is more prevalent than you think for most employees.
- The importance of pursuing excellence even if you're "doing good."
- Why collaboration is a better mentality to career success than competition.
- Pursue a life of significance over success.
- The important difference in "never quitting" and knowing when "enough is enough."
- Why you need to set your intentions EVERYDAY to avoid being a passive participant in your own life.